Unsplash.com - Photo by Alex Jones

Desired State Configuration # 2 – Getting Started with SQL Server Installation

After my first contribution – Preparing to use Desired State Configuration (DSC) – you can now take the first steps to install a SQL Server. So what do we need for prerequisites for installing a SQL Server on a new Windows Server? To my test environment … I’m using a development environment in Azure consisting…

Photo by Alex on Unsplash
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Desired State Configuration – Simplify your SQL Server Administration with DSC

Two years ago, I first dealt with Desired State Configuration (DSC) to create a demo for SQL Saturday #605 that continually monitors and eventually corrects the configuration of the SQL server. Now I have another lovely customer project, where I have the choice between complete implementation in Powershell (via dbatools) or just a little DSC…

Community Rocks

TSQL Tuesday # 96: Community people who have influenced my way

T-SQL Tuesday is a recurring blog series started by Adam Machanic (b | t), a blogger hosts a SQL Server topic every month, and anyone can write a blog post on this particular topic. This month, Ewald Cress (b | t) is our host and it’s about the people who have influenced us in our lives with…

Configure SQL Server after Installation - SetMaxDOP
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#4 SQL Server Configuration – implement Best Practices

I hadn’t been writing this Powershell series for a long time, and I’d like to make up for it, even though a lot of things have changed (in my work & community life) … I’d like to introduce you to two things today, once in a conventional way and how Powershell could configure SQL Server…

Azure SQL Database Pause Resume
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Pause / Resume / Backup an Azure SQL Database with Powershell – Part 3

Many services in Azure allow certain cost savings through automation, this can also be achieved with the Platform-as-a-Service “Azure SQL Database”, this is what this blog post is all about. Quite as simple as e.g. with the Azure Analysis Service it is not because actually there is no pause-resume functionality – here comes the backup…

Resize Azure SQL Database
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Resize an Azure SQL Database with Powershell – Part 2

In the first part of my Azure SQL Database Powershell Automation series I showed how to create the resource group, the logical SQL Server and the corresponding database, I would like to show you how to implement a resize of the performance level of this database. Why should I want to resize a database? Upwards…