Data Geeks Saturday - South Florida - Bjoern Peters - Change your skills - from an onpremise DBA to a cloud DBA

South Florida Data Geeks Saturday 2021

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Exploring the Data Geeks Community in South Florida

On a warm and inviting Saturday, I delivered another presentation, this time in beautiful South Florida, to the Data Geeks community. This event marked the eleventh year of their “SQL Saturday,” drawing around 700 in-person participants passionate about all things related to the Microsoft Data Platform. These dedicated individuals eagerly invest their free time to learn about various topics. This year, all Data Platform speakers worldwide were invited to submit their sessions, and it was heartening to see 92 speakers respond to the call. The task for the organizers was daunting, as they had to select the most compelling presentations from a pool of 180 proposed topics. I submitted several sessions focusing on Azure SQL Databases and Azure Arc Data Services.

My Inaugural Experience in Florida

It was my first time setting foot in Florida, and I hope it won’t be the last. It was an absolute pleasure to be part of this event. During my session on that Saturday, I delved into the differences between the skills of a database administrator who primarily operates on on-premises SQL servers and one who deals with cloud-based solutions. In this session, I explored the services available in the Azure Cloud for SQL Server DBAs, how their work environment and tasks transform in this context and the key topics they need to prepare for as the future beckons.

Transitioning from On-Premise to Cloud DBA

Starting with a brief introduction about myself and my role, I began by providing an overview of Microsoft’s Azure services for managing SQL Server databases and how these services distinguish themselves from their on-premise counterparts. Transitioning from on-premises to Azure is straightforward, with options like the regular Azure virtual machine for a 1:1 SQL server migration. Azure SQL Single Database is a clear choice for single databases, but if you need a complete SQL Server instance without a virtual machine, opt for Azure SQL Managed Instance.

Exploring Azure SQL Variations

However, sometimes you must compromise or address unique requirements, leading to “gray areas” and exceptional solutions like Azure SQL Hyperscale. I elaborated on these distinctions before diving into the differences in the local SQL Server environment.

Preparing for the Future as a SQL Server DBA

What should the SQL Server DBA of the future be capable of, and what topics should they be ready to tackle? I examined the differences between on-premise and Azure to answer this question, highlighting additional focus areas. One key difference is the backup procedures, which vary depending on the selected service. Azure SQL DB, for instance, offers support for index optimization. Database monitoring has also evolved, with Azure collecting and providing data through the portal. Additionally, database administrators must adapt to network availability and security changes. Configuration in these areas is essential and tailored to the company’s requirements and applications.

Learning Opportunities for the Azure SQL Era

In conclusion, I discussed the learning opportunities offered by Microsoft to help individuals adapt to these new challenges and prepare for them. These resources include learning modules, paths, labs, and workshops. Here are the links and slides for further exploration:

I want to thank all the participants and the event organizers for making this a successful and exhilarating experience. Your trust is genuinely appreciated!

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