Data Saturday #14 – Oslo 2021 – Introduction into Azure Arc Data Services
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Data Saturday #14 – Oslo 2021 – Introduction into Azure Arc Data Services

Today the time had come – I was finally able to speak at Data Saturday (formerly SQLSaturday) in Oslo … that was finally not due to the organizers but rather to me or the pandemic, since I hadn’t dared to give lectures until 2020 Keeping English, I hadn’t submitted any sessions for Oslo either. I…

Azure SQL Database – General Overview – Refresh Part 1

Azure SQL Database – General Overview – Refresh Part 1

I see the other contributions as a personal refresh of my knowledge of the Azure SQL Database and all its numerous features. After a long time, it was necessary to deal with it in detail again and show my own experience with learning that “writing down” helps remember the content and essential points. So I’ll just…

Azure SQL VM – no possibility to configure the disk usage
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Azure SQL VM – no possibility to configure the disk usage

A customer had asked me the last few days to help him optimize a SQL server on an Azure VM. The customer always had slight performance problems with this SQL server, so he first asked the application manufacturer or supervisor, but they didn’t want to or could help. The only answer they received was that…